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Aug 2018
She never really knew what to think
But she learned fast
That everything she loved
Could be gone in a blink

She found misery love
And beauty in misery
And it was hard
She thought she was crazy
And maybe she was

But she didnt mind
Yes the thought scared her
But she tried not to care
After all, these days
True sanity
Is scarce

She waked outside
Notebook in hand
Pencil in the other
She walked to the edge of  the road
Sat on rock
Sat and thought

Thought of wonderful words
Terrible words
Any words
Every word

Then she saw an ant
Probably stepped on by a person
People don't care

She stared at it and cried

I know they don't care, and now you have to pay
The ant limped some more
So she sat there and stared
for the rest of the day

She told the ant
Existence is pain sometimes
I dont what to do
And maybe I can't end my pain
But ill try to stay strong
Just for you

More hours past
She named it gubber
At first she called it alex
But this name was funner

Gubber I can't stand to watch this any longer
She picked up a rock and said
I'm sorry
I really am
But i can't watch  you die slowly
I won't let anyone watch you die slowy

Existence is pain
And I know its true
I feel pain and so do you
But your pain is worse

She picked up the rock
Took a small swing


Id rather put you out of our misery
Then see you in pain
How can something so cruel be so kind, I wish I could be someones ant
Jasmine dryer
Written by
Jasmine dryer  17/F/drowing in emotion,
(17/F/drowing in emotion,)   
     Sin, Fawn and ---
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