We all know when we are not wanted as it seems that many do, A jolly up in the town, everyone there but you Your work mates are friendly but only for the day Theyve spoke of their home lives and that they think the dog is gay A bit of what is known as banter wouldn't go a miss Your mates of old all married now, your still searching for that bliss Facebook and Twitter can be the final hurrah with pictures of their lives 2 kids and a dog to boot, only way to get them out is a free drink as a bribe Your best friend and their new found buds, all arms up on that log flume up north We had days like that at Chessington, 18 and ******, before your kids were spawned We pretend we live alternative lives, who needs that wholesome charade of a perfection A City flier, on all the apps, a wit you could not section You tell the world your happy as, a life now ruled by Tinder But tell the truth, your home in bed, fish finger sandwich probably from Findus But it pulls at the heart, those pictures of happiness and a life that you thought was right I'll get there someday, just ignoring the now, I'll say it again,
Thanks For The Invite
It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light - Aristotle
Truth is everybody is going to hurt you: you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for - Bob Marley