As a lactose intolerant cow whirring lion eye zing dual (Banjo playing) Manichean ("FAKE") keen man womanizing, faux nymphomaniac wannabe, I cone only scream about visualizing nip pulling and getting a breast of Hani La (vanilla),
this sweltering unfreezing Wednesday while mouth watering chiefly hanker for milch of human kindness, which titillating fanciful fandom fantasies skinny dipping into soliloquizing whet dreams har made
sadly, simply, and sorely realizing test tickles quizzing noggin merely figment of fertile imagination pricking prurient potent plentifully oozing naughty salacious, licentious, and felicitous evocations pulsating hypnotically invoking
trance send dint overriding gloriously flirtatious escapade needling my over active thought processes monopolizing ability to focus attention trying to compose joyous leavening, sans jump starting massaging, and kneading
dormant limp libido liberating panting allied force, which seems tubby in axis Sybil for Nick - A.Ting, thus Celeb Basie, frantically, gingerly, and haphazardly kickstarting ***** riot with this feeble attempt
for a firm hut heave action, one docile male member devoid of livingsocial, hence aye **** sitter ring joining
a nunnery, which would be habit chilly unfitting, and very un convent shin null for a poetic ending!