And it's just, the more I pull away the more it seems elastic dreams of snapping back I've lived on razor's edges long enough to know a cut that's coming And the cut that's coming I've stopped before but it wants more, it want the string These things come with a price that's paid by the ones that lay me down The waters are deep below but I just might go swimming The waters are deep below but you want to follow me and I can't let you I can't imagine losing you even if the losing is done after I've lost And maybe it'll always be this way night and day making two endless cycles of battles until I'm not sure if I'm waking from sleep or sleeping to avoid the waking nightmare of the thing I want to do Now with growing concern I realize too late that it is fate that all I've done is draw out my final breath for a few more years and no one hears the voice in my head that convinces me it might be fun to be Dead dreams grow like weeds in my rib cage sores and I pull them out and leave them on the window sills because talk and pills seem endlessly to be the answer but I know the answer is just a delay of the inevitable and that's okay so long as it means I make it another day So long as I get to keep you, and I suppose, so long as you get to keep me