Isolated, but not alone Seeking revenge All on his own But not against someone But more like All those Who've directly Or indirectly Made him feel This feeling Of isolation Isolation here Doesn't mean lonely Or friendless It's more like A complete lack of understanding By the society Towards you And Towards us all 'Us' being The younger generation ; Not everyone from this Younger generation Generally stand up Or fight Maybe because We're all isolated Together Similar minds But unable to read For we've never learnt How to But maybe he Like a few others Has the courage And motivation To fight through The invisible barriers Of this isolation On his own, though Because that's what we've learnt Or been told To live for yourself But at the same time For the future Of the unborn ; So he's going to pump up his kicks And use this shield of isolation To his strength Creating an outer wall As sturdy as bricks And fight through the barriers That society has created This isn't a huge war That everyone will soon Know about Nor will he be called or titled Some hero And I'm glad he isn't Because fame infects Even the most ambitious So watch him silently But powerfully Slice the walls Created by us In his own way It won't be easy But at least He, Unlike many others, Will know at the end That his life And his actions Did have Meaning