Differences are contrasts that make me take stock view points change according to the casting of the shadows we can not ever hope to know the whole truth so grab your flickers with both hands tightly and never let go logic fails where love conquers and deception mimics truth so sweetly, so innocently it defies suspicion. popular agreement is heralded by the herald only no thinking necessary we loved to be told what is what true sheep never looking twice just following the herd but the blackest ones the prized and persecuted ones they were lions in wool and more black lambs are becoming rams and the mirror hiding truth will crack and the Walls of our confines will be broken only problem is how do we know we want it? want the unknown sounds awfully complicated to me? which pied piper will we choose? and if we could who would let us live peacefully without interruption our truths Our beliefs our customs our souls our love our peace our true self determination without the need for cattle prods and gags slaughter houses of reality playing on my mind begging the realisiation of my soul.