In a maze of endless death Every turn is love and war Any wall can constrict any man’s sinful neck Life leaving his heart’s cold core
A twisted, greedy man appears, Seeing a tangled man with a lustful expression His eyes see the treasure, gold and bright And is caught within a poisonous suppression
A fierce woman soon approaches Bitter and angry, her maw and claws sharp Burning through the coils and gas Falls to endless sleep with the help of a harp
A wistful child comes forth Living in envy and through a disguise Treads, like a thief, past the harp To fall into the ground through his shadow’s demise
Five have failed and five faced death So an animal consumes his way through the vines Through the gas, harp, and trap Only to die by it’s purposeless cries
Now a small ant rises And slowly makes his way through the maze He reaches a gate and opens the door And sees a figure that brings endless raze
Who is left in this cold cruel world? Who can become the seventh to the prize? A god, a hot-headed braggart, reaches the gift And loses faith through his guilt and his lies