Driving to different offices and placing my resume in the hands of possible future employers was exhilarating I never thought I would be so rash in a decision as I am now My two weeks notice will sit on your desk tomorrow leaving you forever wondering what happened
You offered me numerous promotions A business trip most recently Your boss incredibly fond of me and progress with the company Management always came easily to me
But I'm a workaholic when I'm at work and too often I stayed off the clock, unpaid so a fellow employee wouldn't have to suffer all the work that still needed to be done in all the lack of time we had
This is my parting gift This piece of paper A symbol to you that my life has outgrown this place that I know has taken more from me than it's given
I wish you well that you will find a worker who is passionate about this company the way I once was
In two weeks I will be gone I will move on with my life
This is my parting gift
I loved my job. I worked with animals every day educating others. But our new CEO is pushing sales and brand growth; something I am not a fan of. I care more for the well-being of the animal than sales. I applied at vet offices yesterday. I'm ready for this next step in my life.