I , to whom thee attribute the massacre , I speak as your creator , Thee cameth to me o traveller , As a fickle narrator
For you **** me for your fate ,your condemnation You attend to me as my foundation crumbles to dust Your sentiment of zeal was mine own creation You tainted it with your ambition , mutating it into lust
As the viscious cycle of your adultery reiterates You indict me of being a silent beholder As the heartiness and probity of my realm eviscerates My heeds and warnings are met by your cold shoulder
Your embarkments of upsurge , and the subsequent collapse Rendering my pattern blurred and unrecognizable to mine own eyes now you stroll over a mine of your own traps From my great design springs your eventual demise
Tis' not my trial you stand but shadows of your own that you face As my realm scorches in your blaze, you drown in the multitude of my waves For thee to elude eternal damnation O traveller thee shall fade without a singular trace , dawn anew from disgrace Hence shall come thy salvation