Follow your passion and doors that are not open to someone else can be open for you..
If you wish upon a star keep in mind, it is a wish never always a reality..
Dance your dance my friend beware of the circumstance that may come crashing down.
Follow your heart, but be sure it is your heart your following, not a dreamers paradise.
A person makes their own life if it is not the way you desire it to be, just turn it around, and find what you desire.
So if your plans don't work out the way you wanted them, it is you who chose them to be this way, not anyone else can lead you by the hand, just you.
If you seen someone jump over the bridge! would you jump over with him if you wanted too? Sure you would! it was your desire too.
So life is what you make it it is you who decides what you want in life, not the other one if you take chances, it is what you desire, and what you desire you can receive.
So if we want life to treat us good, we have to want to treat life good, because we desired to treat it good.
Just think we really can have all we want, it is our desire with determination we can have it all, it is our choice no one else.
No one cares to live your life it is your life not theirs, so live it well, be fair to yourself and your treasures will never stop growing.
((Their is no one to blame for the way you live your life, it is all up to you.))