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Nov 2012
Humpty Dumpty what a numpty
thought that he could fly
with paper wings attached with strings
he leapt into the sky

Jack and Jill stood on the hill
and watched him with delight
as up he flew their laughter grew
at such a wondrous sight

The fiddler cat said fancy that
as with her love did spoon
and watched awhile with pleasured smile
the cow jump or' the moon

The blind mice three they didnt see
and neither did they care
for he'll come down and break his crown
like ev'ry fool that dare

Miss Muffet thought it's all for nought
though eggs will one day fly
the spider spoke well then the yolk
will be on that poor guy

The clock struck one the night was gone
the paper wings caught fire
poached or fried Briar Rabbit cried
of both I'll never tire

Thing one thing two yes you and you
don't stand there get a net
and bring green ham oh Sam I am
for breakfast now is set

So read and learn before you burn
the wings your heart hath bore you
for this the end my learned friend
as I wouldn't want to bore you
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