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Styles 12
Nov 2018
Let's Drink Rumi Wine and Toss our Stars into Sea
Single for seven years
I decided to take the Sun on a date
dynamite verse slid out of my back pocket
even roaring breakers stopped to listen
seagulls approached
slow paced,
small child-like eyes
eager to fly through
a brand new moon
steam rolling lavender
mending another broken side of light
after machine gun Kelly storms
left our town upside down.
I left hidden pools
under your magnetic medallion
one closer look
made sea and river whisper together
under countless nights
when sand begged for her footprints
like a student
whose master was murdered.
Imagine Khan leaving your village in
tatters, pick up your pen,
dedicate every page to Light.
Wine and roses falling graceful
in a place we cannot imagine.
Hard to believe we all came from there
after all this madness stormed our souls
our desire drinking naked from
invisible fountains.
"Come to Me all who have heavily laboured and I will give you rest."
Words pulling our treasures out from
the chest, teach me again,
beyond price jewels dripping from
a unfathomable fall.
Looking back unclouded
tasting strength in her eyes
made his pages come alive
a hidden cave storing our clipped wings
left our sentences flowing
secretly, pageless, nomadic beings
never once human
tossing stars into a battered sea.
Let's Drink Rumi Wine
dash out into tides
and read seraphim masters
reclaiming pieces of shotgun
splattered wings.
I could watch your words
revive an entire ocean
your phantom body walking on
glassy dazzled waters.
Robes of uncountable stars
falling through broken mirrors
healing darkness and fixing cracks.
One look staring back at us from all
her lullaby sand full of brand new moons,
a left over bonfire smouldering in her
morning masterpiece.
Tell me again what you said last night
my memory is wiped out
tides stole our evidence
during high tide.
I have always had extreme difficulty
trying to capture the perfect night
and your spiral shell of echoes
holds the mathematical equation
for all living things.
Can you please come back down again
so I can pen every word?
You've caught more than my attention
but these tides keep on erasing the prints she left when dreams flew into our
reality and carried us away.
Everything is different now
after I felt the Sun kiss me.
Give me the strength to describe it before I head back out into wilderness.
Written by
Styles 12
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