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Nov 2012
Doctor Doctor I've got an ache
have you a pill that I could take,
to cease this beating in my chest
to give me peace to let me rest.

It doesn't hurt no not as such,
it's just I long to feel her touch.
to taste her lips to smell her skin,
can you not see the state I'm in.

She is my drug my cigarette,
my alcohol my need to bet.
The air I breath the food I eat,
the very ground beneath my feet.

The first the last my ev'ry thought,
the web of dreams in which I'm caught.
The scent I love after a storm,
the way her kisses keep me warm.

On second thoughts doctor forget,
I ever came we ever met.
For it would seem she gives me pain,
because her love drives me insane.

So let me ache for you ... Alone,
and let my need of you be known.
My summer love my Autumn tryst
just know one thing... you're always missed.
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