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Aug 2018
It’s now the time to rock and roll
Get down to some catchy tunes
Or watch a little television
At some funny and cool cartoons
Like Sylvester the cat and speedy Gonzalez and tweety bird how cute
I thought I saw a pusy cat
Looking directly at me
Then go off for a run around the block to become a really fit guy
And if you have problems in doing that my boy
Just say in the name of god, why
I look up in nirvana at all the dead flying around
Exploring and drinking methane smoothies yeah what a break
God god son of god
Come on dudes please tell
Me who is the son of god
I wouldn’t understand if I did
Maybe John or Harry or Simon
3 people who love life
Loves every aspect of life
Drinking beer from a very rusty can
The rust gets all over his teeth
Leaving a stain right on the white
Maybe if I learnt how to be cool
My mate will say I am not that bright
I wish the dudes will come with me
To the best party of the land
On the shores of Bondi beach
Walking through the sand
You see partying can be walking
With a tinnie in your hand
Saying have a good swim
Have a good surf
And make sure no sharks don’t eat you
Bondi is a popular beach, they have their own show
Like Bondi rescue where you see the lifeguards save all the lives of the people out there
Drink it down drink it down
Drink it down sink it down your gullet and if anyone complains just say to them, I am a man with a very strong gullet
I can take anything from drinking beer to a nice smoothie
Or a milk shake in the shops
Or maybe head to the take away to have some fish and chips
Do what you want party right
And say get down get down
And never ever stray away
From how you spend your day
Written by
johnny georgy brown
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