It is getting late in the night We had a great day, each of us We are sitting by the fire Man, we are mighty cold But that just means we are cool We move around our homes Saying what is our next step But the next step is Is the fact that you are tired And you want to go to bed You don’t feel like staying up You want to hit the hay And say, I am tired I want to go to bed You do exercises and art and Many cool things like that Everyone wants to talk to you Everyone thinks you are square But you can’t help getting tired And when you fall asleep You just drift off to nirvana Saying I am tired and I want to go to bed I know it is great to party And it is great to move our bodies but doing too much Of that makes you very tired And making you want to go to bed ahhhhhh! Ahhhhhh! Time to have another yawn And then hit the hay Off to bed