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Nov 2012
Do you know why,
I can't sleep, in the attic or the deep?
No Anchor on these tides, treasure box
in a pirate's hope;find the boat.

Drifted on a pierced lip, a fixed kiss,
a mental slip--
on a burnt out Fuze.

Double check for a
red lighter's glaze,
As wolf is entranced in the gaze, of a moon's longing.
Take it easy,
little child. A bottle ship on a lover's dream
tossed and turns as sleeper learns,
trust the Sun.

Light so stronge, Life will always crawl
in the uncertanty a simple plee,
to be
           to exist
                           to dream,
What It really is, spinning the compass
to the steady Fun, painted with snow.
As a remote control in
*****-MOAN phase.
Written by
wandabitch  Promethea
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