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Aug 2018
The evening rides in on a piebald pony and it is only I who see the sting in its tail.
and yet we're all gripped by the madness of self service checkouts that speak to us as if we're all soft in the head,

unexpected lifetime in the bagging area!
are you over twenty five?

if this lunacy is allowed to continue,
we'll continue to be medicated,
tranquilised and doped up to the eyeballs
and then
we won't care about the pony,
the checkout, the madness
and we'll only wait for the end
which will be an in store special
in selected stores on Saturday.

It's not Mother's ruin that's the new *****
of the masses
it's two pairs of glasses for the price of one
buy another at a quarter of the cost.

we have almost lost in the game,
****** and we don't know what anyone's
name is anymore
and too drunk to stand up and fight.
John Edward Smallshaw
Written by
John Edward Smallshaw  68/Here and now
(68/Here and now)   
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