We live on huge planet Constantly circulating the sun Along with all the other planets. Who knows what madness is going on out there. But we’re too familiar with the madness going on on Earth.
People going through Hell. People being born everyday. People dying everyday. People having their best experiences. People going through Hell. Different realities.
Strange undiscovered tribes living in forests; Our reality is alien to them, theirs is surreal to us. There’s still a lot more to be discovered in oceans, and in outer space, and on land, and in ourselves.
We’re ignorant, we destroy the earth. We’re ignorant, we hurt each other. We’re ignorant, we hurt other creatures. We forget that we live on a huge planet circulating the sun, it doesn’t belong to us alone - it is to be shared with all the other seemingly insignificant organisms.
Nature going through hell too: Poisoned polluted air. Acid rain. Angry winds. Thirsty plants. Contaminated rivers. Now they’re going against us, it’s time for revenge. Hurricanes won’t have mercy on us.
Animals going through hell too: Suffocating fish. Elephants are viciously murdered just for their tusks. Premature pigs lined up in slaughter houses. Mass production. Mass production. We eat the tortured animals, now they’re against us. Obesity, illnesses, over crowded hospitals.
There’s so much we don’t understand. But we throw around lots of opinions, little facts. And the facts we have haven’t been been proven to be one hundred percent accurate. So we go against each other. We waste time debating. We waste time pointing fingers. Maybe no one knows, maybe we’ll never know.
We live in an insane planet that’s circulating around the sun along with all the other planets. Sometimes we forget that we are part of something extraordinary and mysterious - It’s mind blowing, why aren’t we humbled? We continue to be egocentric; this huge planet will never stop circulating around the sun for any of us. Be humble!