Do not fret, time is near to say your little prayers of forgiveness.
Their is never a need to pray it's always in your heart without a reason, a prayer rings out from within, and lightens everyone who has faith to pray to a higher power to bring a little hope, weather it be sad, happy, or just being thankful.
The time is a sad time of war and rumors of war, loss of loved ones broken dying, without anyone.
A prayer indeed is always close it shields us enough, to even touch a hurting heart far away, a prayer can always keep you in control of your deep fears, love and sorrow you hold so dear.
Pray for loved ones and lost one's, and one's you may dislike it's just a thought away when it's time to say a prayer.
Never let your heart grow cold a prayer can help along the way to give a little hope, it's what your feeling deep, that comforts you when you say a little prayer.
(Always pray! for God can always hear, what his children say)