You know, maybe It's the way your voice wraps All around me when I'm aching cold How it's there to greet me, to kiss me, when my bare feet hit the floor Fresh from the warmth of water Straight into the arms of my lover And I feel... safe.
Safe like when I was a child Where my only sanctuary Was the corner of my closet, Where I could write undisturbed Where I could copy word after word From every love story I'd ever heard ever read, learning what they meant by "happily ever after"
Absorbing information and hoping It would find me in that corner Telling myself that, if I could surpass The knowledge that existed in this house, I could leave.. I could be free.
Just, maybe Its that yearn in the glow of your eyes The moment they catch mine and I dont feel guilty for staring In fact I rather like when you catch me As you grin from one ear to the other I know you see further than the exterior And that feels like a hug to my inner self Who is confident in her brain and demeanor Yet nervous about the exterior Since.. we're only human after all
Then you're close to me and I... I get that same feeling I do when I climb into my own bed following nights of being somewhere else As though I've escaped the uncomfortable premise of being anywhere but home, sometimes you kind of.. Just feel like home.
Oh, but it feels so good. The way I shiver when you kiss me, the tired that washes over me in your heavenly sanctuary
Maybe its all the things we have in common new stuff you show me and information you teach me You are never afraid to open my eyes, While I am never afraid of what I see.
Truly its all of these things Perhaps its even more, like the simple idea of being yours For a lifetime. No matter the reasoning, Perhaps I just want more.