Part1 This body is full of worms Glowing And moving forever If I could match their movement I might know what it means to be still
This body is afraid of rusting I shave ***** red banjo strings From the creak in these joints This body moves like a song String snap at a high note
I want you to kiss me with your brake lights Fast enough to snap a knee cap Reset my gait
This body is falling apart Like an old Volkswagen in your dad’s front yard All rust and ***** engine rumble Even at red lights We idle like earthquakes
Feels like a bike rider taking up his own lane In front of you Makes you nervous It takes patience Not to speed up It takes patience to stay
Part2 She smiles like I am a child Asking silly questions
Think softly she says
Your body is dust Swirling in daylight There is your rust in the soft glow It is free And you are alive
You are still like water A steady current Your body is fish and worms now They move and eat They are free And they are alive
Your body is a furnace for glass blowers The men inside make marbles They are blue And gold And green And warm