yeah i guess you can say that they're old. i mean, they've been there for over 20 years. 20 years. i grew up with those couches. i remember eating a bowl of strawberries then falling asleep on that couch. those were the couches that i sat on while i heard my parents arguing. the same couches that family sat on at christmas parties and childhood birthday parties. all my cousins and siblings and i watching cartoons, we sat on Those couches. i always throw things away, rearrange my room, but this is bigger than than. it's hitting me that, these couches, will no longer be. "out with the old, in with the new." this is part of the new chapter. more memories, hopefully more good ones. yeah i guess you can say that it's about time but, they were ours.
so, couches, thank you. thank you for being the home and sleeping bed for me and my family on those lonely nights. thank you for being simply there. good bye