If it smells dead, it probably is Rot makes no mistakes I sit and spin my wheels and it takes Everything inside of me
To rid myself of her stink Seventeen years of parental nurture Two weeks of preying in search for; Only six minutes of squeezing to be
Left only to be filth again Passed over and forgotten Are my words too heavy for your song? Sing loudly so I can hear you
Again, my pale skinned love As I hover above and sweat into your mouth Quiet swan song sung, splash of **** all too loud Calm I grow as from you, I take my cue
Does my breath not fog glass as much as yours? If I crawl away now, I won't appear to move. Silently shaking and praying in search for Something less living, something less grand
Bedside stories told to you once at night A lone little light plugged in low by your closet You feared the wrong monsters, and I felt that fright It clung to the air; you were my first as by my hand.
But my hand pulls away now-- My fingers hardwired, pulling, reaching For something warm to touch And you were warm once, too
"Many Conversations at Once" series collaborative poem, stanza trading