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Aug 2018
A month ago I put down the keyboard
and after a week I picked up the pen. I had to write

to spite my worries that

knowledge had become cheap; wisdom, scarce; and
truth, a fool's errand. Cynical words
from a man trying to let go
that sardonicism and
embrace his vulnerabilities.
Will the courage to let the verse
flow from the human, onto the page
where it may be subject to another human's saccades.
My primary device broke so I took a month's break,
But you can't keep a good cybran down,

I've plugged back in
from my new digital home.
Mydriasis Aletheia
Written by
Mydriasis Aletheia  29/Other/Empyrean
     Alma, Eryck, Michael Angelo, Bee and ---
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