I was not always as lost and broken As you see me now No, not always. When I was born into the world. I was covered in tiny twinkling lights, They were everywhere on me, so lovely. You could hardly see the spaces between them. Lights on me everywhere.
That was before I found out how to be deceitful. That the truth had many shades and hues. from purest white to darkest black with so very many greys.
Sometimes a small light would fade as I lied. Mom there won’t be alcohol there.. Other times a row of them went dark. Mom I did not sleep with him. I promise. Then some lies made them all glow dimmer. It’s alright Dad don't worry I don’t do any drugs.
Now much older I walk alone in the city streets. On a rainy dark night the store windows look like a hall of mirrors.
I can see my reflection ghostlike all my pretty lights Have faded away. I look tired,lost and jaded.
But if you look very closely between the falling raindrops, like tears streaming down the windows. You may see just a few of my lights left. Only a glimmer of them hardly visible at all.
So stubborn they wont be the last ones to go out. They are around my heart