As I find my way up the beyond To make my peace with God A creature, a creation To utter unto one Who can not be bound By words or wants He is all Everything And I am nothing But speechless in wonder
I call unto you The song I would think one hears When the trees Sleeping in the forest Begin to fall from the sky As a fire Snaking in the grass Rises to their branches Evermore
Bing them closer To the mists of time And tangibility Dig into the ashes In the back of your mind Together We will bury our memories Like loved ones in the ground
I would cry everyday If I let my soul wander The corridors of the Earth To find that which would suffocate Its eternal flame
I would die everyday If I let my soul wander The corridors of the earth To find that would digest Its momentary Flame
Swallow me up! Oh eternity ******* moment As a wish fulfilled Drink me dry Till thirst is only But a memory faded Into yesterday's sunsets
I cannot take away From what you are, Made up of Just as I cannot Lust after All you have made Of yourself
So lay me as I be Barren before the throne Of thorns Let me rest In the river of light Chasing the rising Of a dying sun