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Aug 2018
Give me your laughter,
Give me your tears,
Give me your love,
Give me your fears,
Give me your moments,
Give me your years.
Give me the gifts of your love,
Sweet girl,
Give me the gifts of your love.

You hold in your hands
The strength of my heart.
When we are near
Or when we’re apart.
This gift that I give you
Will never depart.
That is the gift of my love,
Sweet girl,
That is the gift of my love.

And when we grow tired.
Seeking deep rest,
And the tears that we share,
Are the best of our best,
Our gifts to our hearts
We hold firmly pressed.
And we share the gifts of our love,
Sweet girl,
We share the gifts of our love.
I almost didn't post this...I thought it was a little trite.
Written by
Cecil  69/M/The Meadows
(69/M/The Meadows)   
     Khoisan, AS and ---
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