How many times do we say and do things that we do not really mean to say and do ?
A poke, a cerebral nudge, something to get attention and evoke a response from beneath the veil to the farthest deepest darkest sky’s bluest hue
Methinks it starts very early in Life - in some type of observation mode A view of interactions factions and ego-id tractions experienced once the mouth has spoken and the river of effect has flowed
The thought was being cute with a turn of a phrase flipped over and bounded It takes a quick wit to send and a quicker wit to receive the intended double entendre
But shock there can be and shock there is Communication of a thought to generate a smile often takes a big hit Is there really wisdom in seeing multiple years ? Does something vague and leathery to the heart know and tell us when to quit ?
Encounter Engage Expand Surround Life with a warm out-flowing rainbow thought of walking somewhere that you feel the earth between Your toes Think about nothing for as long as You can Put the past in its proper space Breathe in the current moment with a smile on our face
Remove second thoughts about what could have been Release any interaction errors and turn Your back to the wind Remain as relentless as the march of time in situ Smile for the now knowing we have passed the shock value vY