FLATTERY What can flattery be but kind words full of vice When you don't mean the words that appear sweet and nice? You will be like a snake full of fatal contents, but you dress your outlook with the smoothest outfits.
Your inside is a bog that boils with horrid blobs, but you dress them with what would look like showy robes. None can see in that mire that appears calm to all fearful death dragging man to the depth of deep hell.
The harsh truth comes and goes like the gas of a drink. It can cause fizzing sound, and for eyes a quick blink, but you drink a cool gulp that saves you from the heat as the truth saves you from deadly stab in the heart.
Fearful snakes, horrid mires lurk in words, but who knows what you hide in your heart of sure death or deep ooze. With soft voice, a low hiss, you make ears skip your threat to bring man fearful death after most hedious fate. BY JOSEPH ZENIEH ____________