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Jul 2018
I've always loved looking into your eyes
I've always found them **** and disarming
I've never been able to resist you when you look at me in your sultry way
Those eyes have always said so much to me
Some things you wanted them to say, some things you didn't

When our eyes meet, I see so many things
I see my best friend
I see my protector
I see my lover
I see how much you love me
I see the reflection of my love for you
I see our future filled with so much joy
I see our smiling faces on our wedding day
I see our babies yet to be born

But behind those gorgeous, smiling eyes I see the secrets you hide
I see the pain of years past and things done
I see the scenes you've tried so hard to wash from your memory
I see the slow chiseling away of the happy young man I remember
I see the soldier following questionable orders
I see the sorrow of a shepard leading his flock into destruction
I see the heaviness of the loss on your shoulders
I see the loneliness of separation of a man from his brothers
I see the strong self confidence fading with each passing year
I see the anxiety and the jumpiness and constant vigilance
I see the nightmares that **** you into sleeplessness

I see all these things and I want to wrap you in my arms
I want to ask what happened to you that's changed you this way
I want to hold you until all that pain I see disappears
I want to kiss you so long and deep that I consume some of the things you keep hidden
I want to take those memories into myself to lighten the burden you carry
I want to be a light in the darkness for you
I want so much for you to unload all you keep hidden behind those eyes
I want you to trust me with all of it because I can handle it
I can be strong for you the same way you're strong for me
I wish for this so often and one day maybe it will come

But for now, I have to settle for making those eyes outwardly happy
One day you may allow me to help heal the beautiful soul behind those eyes
Those eyes that house so many conflicting emotions
Happiness, sadness, pride, shame, anxiety, fear, and hope
Hope for a better future to help forget
I've always loved your eyes and I will always love everything behind them
Leisa Battaglia
Written by
Leisa Battaglia  44/F/Louisiana
       Grace, Fawn, George, ---, Polar and 2 others
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