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Jul 2018
Day is done…
Long shadows
Creep across the fields.
I settle into my chair.
Dare I rest?
If I do
Will they catch me?

(Day is done…)
Long shadows
Creep across the fields.
I settle into my bed
(A younger man)
Ready to rest.

Caught now…
Bittersweet memories.
Cool white sheets,
Warm breeze,
Honeysuckle bush
Under the bedroom window,
Arms around your soft
And loving body.

Caught here…
You left.
I saw your eyes,
Looking wide,
You did not
Know me.
So I had to
Let you go.

I held your hand,
I said good-bye,
You left…
And I kissed you,
One last time.
But I did not cry.
You were free.
Written by
Cecil  69/M/The Meadows
(69/M/The Meadows)   
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