54 sue 13 followers / 294 words Following Message Block Stream 12 Poems 6 Favorites 76 sue 6h ~S a c r e d G a r d e n ~ gentle waterfalls cascading into a watery chapel Steps ascending... red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet to an altar bathed in white by a heavenly spiraling sky light imposing crystal sculptures rise up from the ocean's floor and dolphins playfully weave in and out lining the shore... a resplendent perpetual floral display roses, lilac, honey suckle, chrysanthemum, lotus blossom an exquisite medley of fragrance and hue and as far as the eye can see rolling meadows of emerald green clover graceful weeping willow trees, majestic oak and white birch echoing in the distance the melodious intonation of chimes ring out their welcome a whisper of a touch of a loving essence with an encircling warmth and energy embraces me a grand eagle in full flight an owl with knowing eyes each extend their greetings and wish me well lost in a sense of peace and well being then, gently waking from the rapture Vision f a d i n g, leaving only a trace of the Sacred Garden - - ......the H e a l i n g P l a c e