1943 ww2 The. Invasion force took the never ending war to the other side of the English channel. It had been long in coming but they were ready.
The invasion landing craft were rusty made of iron and steel like the men aboard them They were all afraid. They knew their losses would be many. They knew it might be them
But the duty was absolute for each and every one of them. He was a teacher not a soldier but wars had made him into to one. He could not recollect when he even shot a firearm at an enemy. Or even if he could.
He was not a avid soldier but he must do his duty. He knew this as he looked at the men in the crowded landing craft. The beach was silent no chaos but in moments that would change,
the protective front dropped to the ground. As he rushed forward as though an electric light switch had been galvanised. the mayhem started machine gun fire and rockets bombarded them.
He saw his friend Johnny hit badly in the chest it was fatal. He dropped His weapon and cradled the young man in his arms. He died there calling for his mother.
The rocket shell exploded next to him and he fell next to his friend and lay as dead.
Three years later
The military hospital was always full so much pain so much grief. The Irish nurse was cleaning the soldier that had been in a coma since his arrival several years ago.
She had bright green eyes and red hair the trademark traits of an Irish lady who drank a can of hope and stubborn every morning for breakfast.
She noticed his fingers moving Well now she whispered Its himself. He's with is thanks be to Jesus.
His eyes opened they were blue and beautiful. Your back are you? so she said. I thought you were going to sleep forever so I did
When am I? he said almost in a whispered Am I dead? No your back with the living she smiled.
It was the start of his recuperation she helped him move his anthropic muscles. and learn how to walk again she told him of the war being over and won.
After six months he was well enough to leave the hospital. He had even interviewed for a teaching post at greycastle school for boys. The doctors told him to take a vacation Perhaps on the railway to help in resolving himself with the post war world.
He took the sleep train from euston station in London and set forth on his adventure. The old coal fired engine set forward to Scotland it was peaceful as he passed the green towns of England county by county.
Until re reached Scotland . Ahh! Scotland so far away from a London he no longer wished to see after its desolation from the bombs.
He trembled as he thought of the war. As the train trundled past lochs and mountains of Scotland gleaming in the rare sunlight he felt a peace that had eluded him for so long.
She alighted the train at Inverness so beautiful and yes enticing. Even to a stodgy old out of work schoolmaster like him.
She sat opposite to him in the old carriage. After while she opened her huge purse an took out a package of sandwiches.
Would you care for one she asked softly.? Normal reticence was overtaken by hunger Yes please that would be lovely he said. He bought two weak after war coffees from the char lady. And two custard creams.
They talked he did not realise. How much he had missed the conversations with an attractive lady. He told her of his war issues how he had lost several years in a coma She listened intently to him.
He realised that such a beautiful woman would have no interest in an old stodgy Old school teacher like him. But she was sweet and kept asking him more details about himself.
He knew he had no skills in charming the fairer ***. Only his love of literature Shakespeare decarte Chaucer but she did not seem to mind. By the time the train reached CHESTER he realised that he was in love with her.
The train inched its way back into euston station On a trip he did not want to end
The window was open an piece of coaL dust from the engine found its way into his eye. she rolled the edge of her handkerchief and got the speck of soot out of his eye.
The pain subsided immediately Then she pulled his face to hers and kissed him. Full on The mouth. I have never kissed a man Unintroduced before she said. But you are so very shy.
Forty five years later
They were old now he was dying They lived in the house allocated to headmaster emeritus of greycastle school a post he held for some twenty five years.
She leaned over his bed and said do you remember the train my love.?
Even in leaving her he smiled yes my Darling You shared your ham sandwich with me. And then you kissed me first. thats because I found my life partner. Like this she said he saw her crystal grey eyes Still as beautiful as the day they captured his heart so long ago. The fragrance the softness of her lips. He passed from her The last breath of his in this world Was left on her lips.
The train was traveling through the daylight scotland came into view the lochs and mountains the purple heather.
The old char lady came into the carriage He bought two coffees and two custard tarts. Be patient sir she whispered kindly, She will be joining us very soon. At Inverness.