You're my sunshine, even when you're brain is filled with rain clouds. You're my warmth My heart My life even when you feel like yours is worthless. My everything. I want to show you Show you so much Show you that past these grey skies and night cries there's so much more. I don't stop the thoughts of the future anymore I let them come. Because they prove to me that we can be so much. And sure its terrifying, but i wouldnt have it any other way I wouldnt have anyone else I wouldn't be going from one mindless hook up to the next I'd be with you. I'd go to sleep happy knowing i found the one for me. Thats why I'm telling you You're going to be here tomorrow. Not only for yourself, but for us too. Because God knows i need my winter girl. And i know deep down in you, you want that day too. That day of soft thunder with love in sheets Lame banana pancakes dancing to forgotten love songs. Be here tomorrow for those, because I'm not giving up on that vision I'm not giving up on you. On us. So in return, all I ask is you don't give up on yourself.