They tell me to sit still I want to move I need to move their hands are on me iv's in my veins screaming for freedom from pain my mom told me we were going home she said I'd be happier if happier meant taking four depression pills and sitting in a circle talking about my feelings I didn't want it I didn't want to be happy if it meant more pain they close my door at 8pm they say anyone with depression needs sleep I am not me anymore I am my disease No longer myself but depression they tell me to share how I'm feeling and pretend to care when I refuse treatment they say I need help and to refuse is dumb I am no longer myself I am a sad story that no one wants to hear I am a girl no one wants to bear I am depression they open my door the red pill glares at me from a distance then the white and then blue its a process my brain likes its a process that I hate I cry in my room alone at night because I didn't realize how good I had it I want to be at home but instead the door gets closed and I am labeled depression.