Just when I felt lost, trying to forget her, you were there to guide me. When I thought I'd never get that feeling again, you gave it to me. You reignited a spark in a broken heart. Made me feel whole again. It took three years since you knew of the way I felt, I began to doubt the possibility of anything ever coming from it. Yet I am glad it waited until now, the time we needed it most; our last chance. We were finally honest with one other. Not with our words but with our actions. They expressed what I'd been dying to say for a long time. What I could never muster the courage to speak. What I hoped deep inside you wished to tell me as well. You are a best friend, a sister, and a longtime crush. And you found a way to fix me. Far more than you can imagine. With a kiss. With a touch. Two scarred hearts are now at peace.