Exhale~ A cloud of white leaving your lungs, along with the weight of the world on your shoulders, the stress of a long day, the loneliness you face every second. The drug becomes your partner, the only stable part of your life.
Exhale~ A cloud of white leaving your lungs, along with these emotions you don’t want to face, the emotions that bring you to a dark place, that even antidepressants can’t fix.
Exhale~ A cloud of white leaving your lungs, Sinking sinking sinking into your seat. Falling falling falling out of touch with reality.
Exhale~ A cloud of white leaving your lungs Cannot wait to get out of my head. Is this even enjoyable anymore? Or am I just hiding from myself?
Exhale~ You need to stop
Exhale~ Why can’t you stop
Exhale~ Where did I go Who am I What have I become