We sat in a train next to next upon our way And she said do you always talk the same Most of what you say is poetry to my ears The sun seems to shine yet looks like rain
Your voice deep and meaningful goes within It's conversation but it feels like making love Your words ****** me with it's sound true Just conversation but your hand I'm your glove
I said looking at my news paper when we arrive Would you like a coffee some place quiet to be Oh yes I'd love to talk to you so much more Your voice as if has a way and it has me feel free
I took her hand and it was ever so warm to hold I could almost feel her caring heart then beat Like as if she sensed my utmost sincerity real I looked at the floor and there I saw beautiful feet
I knew it to be ever so true as it was to mef on view She'd never been loved by a man of some maturity And the sound of my voice it had her so as if rejoyce Way younger than I but it bothered her not nor to me
She did her best to ignore the feeling in her chest But she silently liked ever word that she'd heard Myself it was just I being myself I cannot deny More-so when talking to the most innocent bird
It was a very wonderful forfilling conversation We had coffee more coffee her saying I've got time And she said beBe really nice not thinking twice Lets go somewhere and find a real good wine
So that we did and the time it soon it slid Oh dear I'd better be heading on now home I said your family will be worried I'd say No she said I'm afraid that I just live alone
So I walked her there came soon night air Invitation come in awhile saying with a smile So that's what I'd done and we enjoyed talking Next thing the dawn came over her garden mile