Old grey split boards now lie Under flapping tin~ Once new Lister engine .. Now still Making these days no more din~ Cracked and dry old leather belts That ran the boggi now hang loose and low~ The smell of wool still slightly lingers From once polished rails long ago~ Creaking building in daylight warmth Sadness one feels stepping in~ Deep inside a bushman's heart Old shed ..sorry sight .. So grim~ But old shed you are not dead yet But tied as here you stand~ Gone are the days of summer dust and haze When you were young and ever grand~ And now you keep company old shed With old yards and gates and races~ No longer are you filled with sheep And loved with noise and life's embraces~ Once yelling and press thumping Old lister with rhythm pure~ Flapping belts and tar boys running But now ..loneliness you endure~ You had your day in your time I say As then you stood so proud and grand~ And now ... You bring back memories To a just as old and grey once busy man~