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Jun 2018
/                                    unless you've never punched
a brick wall,
  to subsequently punch your face
for a plum artefact:
you'll never know about
the ratio of pacifism:
       five fingers, three knuckles...
you need something stable
to work on that 4th knuckle
to extract a flattening
set against something as
as the human face...
            a brick wall is a perfect
can't exactly throw punches
with a shy 4th knuckle...
                    the scholastic hand of
3 knuckles doesn't 'elp...
              so... no ha ha after-party?
prior to pretending to gasp?
me and my byzantine hymns...
me and my: monastic
hymns, period...
              why do we not mention
the greeks in their byzantine guise?
yet the ancients knew it, yes?
dialectics is less healthy than
a boxing match?
                          nothing wrong
with sparring...
                     come to "think" of "it",
the new trinity of
the conscious(ness),
sub- and un-...
                           who can blame
the past...
if the ego is the atomic component
of consciousness:
   why does society extract it
and embodies a per se theory
over it?
      and if id is the unconscious
equivalent of the ego equivalent
to consciousness...
            what "atom"
              perpetuates the intermediary
narrative of the subconscious: sub-plot?
we have a noun for such
an atlas pose: pivoting point?
you're still left with
a "lost" knuckle encompassing
your arm:
     before you can
attack an endoskeleton object?
           you have to express such
an "impeding" will on something
           without: neither...
                     neither being neither
an endoskeleton, nor, an exoskeleton...
throwing an insect off a 10 storey building
and not expect it to fall
like a cushion is one thing...
   a stone wall: is a skeleton and a body:
   in synch.,
                   but you'll never know
a plateau punch of all four knuckles
being active if you don't do it...
    i can't even begin to express
   the hiding technique of a scholastic
hand gesture of holding a pen
      without: the 4th "missing" knuckle...
it's called the...
             tzayach clench...
                        jewish in origin          (d'uh):
        problem with the chiromancy
at my disposal?
                       a mole on
         my right hand's *******,
just below the gevurah line and just above
hod line...
             but then...
  no girdle of venus, no malkhut line,
    and a strangely alligned heart line...
LH (left-hand): intersecting                 ΛΛ
  a marriage in the form of: M....
RH (right-hand): intersecting     ΛΛ...
                again... but an interpretation
                        for the on-looker, namely a: W...
which is only coincidental
with the subject-object, "dichotomy"...
             or "duality": or whatever
it is that you want to call it...
                    but would you believe it,
that a ***., a dear... "friend"?
      of mine, by the name of tomikuni
expressed interest in chiromancy? once upon
a time, with no seven dwarfs, and no snow white,
and... no: maleficent
                       (reign from above -
                                                mèléfīçent) -
   looks different to blunt syllable extraction,
doesn't it?
        mal- (wrongly)                 -fic (honorific) -
the added -e doesn't exactly help,
                       but hence
                                  the vocab. dysphoria....
i'm just prodding the sight
of a cascade with but one word,
  and what i've applied against it...
ca­n't deny it...
    i paint tongues...
not naked buttocks
                       of fuckable sitters
                like picasso might, and did indeed do
   (anti-thesis of a pun, notably in english).
Mateuš Conrad
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
   Randolph L Wilson
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