If it pleases the court I wish to call my witness I assure you he is pleasantly witless And features you ask? You needn't worry He isn't the type that is tall and squirrely And he isn't the type that is strong and burly No, I admit he is a slight of a man A crook in his back and An un-healing wound for a hand Stature shouldn't be a bother For he isn't much bigger than even the smallest little toddler.
No, he wasn't much to look at but clever he was He entered the court caring not for the faces of the smug Why should he care? Why should he look? He knew the judges falsified records and books His word was useless so his tongue stood quiet And none would know what was it he meant by it Crooked he was, bent and broken
Broken and battered and beaten and bruised Even he didn't know how much magic he'd used A sorcerer he was, and a good one I'd wager For he never shirked from harm or danger To he so old and brittle No one stooped to hear his riddle
With a crack of his back and a flick of his wrist All his ailments went amiss Twas he the king giant of legends old Seven feet tall he stood so proud wreathed in the light of gold Eying the bold And scaring the crowd With his mighty cape made out of his shroud
Come to place judgement on those unworthy And rid his lands of those who wore their hair curly Judges, Politicians, and Royalty alike These pompous blights with their wigs powdered white His voice so quiet, yet only at first For he had not had need to quench his thirstΒ Β Not for 300 or 400 years had his voice been needed here With a resounding boom from he whom no one suspected The one whom they had so unjustly subjected
Broken and battered and beaten and bruised he was But not from violence or bathing the blood from wounds His soul was what was sad and destroyed The fiends of today had hurt this once glorious man The frivolity, the slander, and general corruption The crime, the ****, and societal destruction Who were these "people" to have earned his blessing Better they were hens stuffed with dressing His land he had given to their ancestors of old Yet a once weak people had grown so bold "Who are you?" they asked "And where did you come from?" "I know, we'll take him to the dungeon"
"Silence vile sinners" said the giant of a man resend these orders and bark back your commands For it is I who is the ruler of these lands From mother to daughter and father to son I have seen your lives spread, grow, and bud This is not the life I had planned for you all Divine Right of rulers ordained by my cross on the wall You have twisted and molded my laws and my trust To suit your own needs and greed
To you all I take everything and send you back Across the barren wasteland you've left in your tracks Away from me and go quickly I should rather have you leave my sight swiftly It was then that his voice broke it's timbre When he saw one so small blond and slender "You girl, how is it that you are not frightened?" Her response was firm as the wrath of a Titan "Sir you scare me not by your words alone, for I have lived a life of beatings by stones" Outcast for life, and ridiculed hourly The giant chose to reward her powerfully "You my daughter are your people's saving grace" Watch them all leave now with pitiful haste How was it that she, the spawn of a sinner, could mend her race as a whole? "I'll tell you my daughter, by the goodness of your soul" Go now and start a city within my lands, and forever shall it remain in your kind gentle hands