Still editing my next book of poetry called Definitely Didactic wherein every so often I stop and share one with you. It also gets to be a tedium when you're dealing with 420 poems (i.e.pages), and I've got to take a break. You, you lovely people are my break.
Power Of Observation✍️
One or several (power/powers) Don’t you care, it doesn’t matter Whether it is one or more; When you do your yoga, Use your brain! Observe what, where The hurt, the strain. Let me explain: You feel, sense, imagine it, IQ raised, You’ve praised the part From *****, ligament to cartilage.
Whatever age you are, As said before, 'it doesn’t matter'. Something good results: From tumult in the psyche calming, To the farming body, Harvesting a better life. Noticing a change means adding to the Powers of invention, Range of dreams you will accomplish. Observation has dynamics Of an unsuspected magic.
Power Of Observation 1.26.2014 Circling Round Yoga II; Definitely Didactic; Arlene Corwin