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Nov 2012
Welling inside
Facing mirrors
Surronded , no way to hide
Cold like the winter
I'm laying there
The white snow is stained
By my blood
My tears freeze on my face
My vision becoming fuzzy
No one will miss me...
The trees are spinning above my head
If only the clouds above me could hold me
The blade against my skin
Had torn away from me
My emotions
I had bled
I had cried
Alone with myself
I can't lift my head
But I'm aware of the soft fluffy
Snowflakes falling new
Landing around me
Nature calling me to join
Nature asking for me to take away the pain
To stop my struggles
My heart beats in my chest
Heaving labored beats
I just need a little push
To go falling through the black
Open sky
Plummeting to the ground
Breaking through the empty sound
It's okay
They whisper
Nobodies around
I'm scared but I use my last bit
Of strength
To bring the blade
To my throat
I sob now
But I drag the blade across my throat
The pain envolopes me
So wholely
Pulls me from reality
Into the dark
And then I'm falling
Through the endless sky
Katlyn Orthman
Written by
Katlyn Orthman  21/F/Minnesota
   Hilda, ---, Ashley Nicole Greene, Z, Red and 6 others
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