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Nov 2012
Long ******* day
Short night
They say there aren’t enough hours in a day
I don’t think they are right
Darkness can shroud me in its
suffocating void for many
blue moons and I would still loathe the light
For the day brings headaches,
annoyances, a disgust for humans,
and the familiar, which I wish to leave behind
The light is a blaring reminder of the opportunities
I have not seized, the automatons that drive the streets,
and in the grand scheme of things, this life
I am too frail and meek
The night provides peace from
the overwhelming sun-inspired activities
that I don’t have the strength to sustain
I feed from the void, tasting the insane,
satisfying nothing but a harrowed
mind with empty thoughts
I am hungry for the night
Roberta Day
Written by
Roberta Day  30/F/Austin, Tx
(30/F/Austin, Tx)   
   Shashank Virkud and Klaus
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