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Nov 2012
Please forgive me I've seemed to have misplaced my conscience
You see I just killed three families , and I smiled , pay no mind I'm clean about it
My knives were sharp making this quick and I left them at their dinner table it was silent
The screams echoed through my clear head
Why so startled ?
I thought you people liked the gruesome terror that is ******
Oh only in movies ?
Well I think life's a movie and we are all actors
Only the true actors survive
That family didn't survive
I seek red
wait what did u just call me?
You call me a freak because you don't understand
Because I have a concept that you find insane and mental
I am doing you ******* a service !
I am giving you real entertainment
I am making life worth living
Forcing you I live on the edge because my knives may be around to cut thy rebellion down to a a minor blood stain on this lovely white carpet
You seem upset
You know I never started this
You did
I had a family
And you shot them down off of looks
You gave no care to mine
So why the **** can't I relive that through each slaughter each beg and plea
Sorry for my language earlier it was a little out of pocket
I can't start giving my cares out to murderers
Will I stop is a question I get often
No I won't I think you conniving pigs deserve every breathe i steal away
Maybe then this legalized ****** can end
Maybe civil equality can return
What are my terms to turn my self in
Now why would I do that ?
My terms are to return my family back to me
Oh you can't
Well I guess I can't come out of hiding
You call call me freak
Single me out
But aren't you all the same
When you say you'd **** for what's yours ? WHEN YOU DON'T CARE WHO IT IS AND THEY DARE NOT HURT THOSE YOU LOVE?
I have no reason to accept the customs of you killers
I will swim in the ashes of the homes I burned down
Drink the tears of each victim like hard whiskey
And hold close to my dog tags remembering how i served you ******* and how you took my everything away...
Its based on a true story I hope it was good, and I want some feedback let me know if i need to improve
Written by
Rose  Wonderland
   Skyy Blu and Pure LOVE
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