The stench of decay hung in the air Along with the gases from the badlands Rain had turned the trenches into another bog for the day STAND TO LADS !!! the Sergeant barked his mornin song
Spell broken by the first shell of the morning lucky day ...BOOM .....lucky day Breakfast usual as the new boys showed no fear Hide ya head son as another disappeared Snipers doing their work already... A scream now silenced short
The morning hate over Patrolling life began SHhhhh!! no gunfire The 2 sides master plan Machine guns a ready shall cut you complete Hand to hand and man to man Bayonets flash besieged
Returned to base to lick their wounds A fight amongst the rats Black and brown did rule the roost A feeding frenzy plan The lice did all they could to help Trench fever did its dance Another day STAND TO!!! he barked We stood with baited breath
This was what they signed for A short war all at plan And what did they all die for This life I thank you man