Pausing, I remember the white snow capped Sighs departing from your spun out white capped Lips; you lifted your neck and with it your head Tilted, and looked for me. It was then that I died a little, for I saw you in reality, a sorry State of affairs...clinging to life itself Dearly longing for a break in this broken Passageway of your life.
How might we endorse the meaning of 'Your Life'....together; could we on wheels... Me pushing with all my might until the curtain Falls and snuffs your life upwards towards heaven And home, your beat no longer in time with
I am left looking into the filmy clouds Of your departure, hanging on your last words... "Life's been a blast...from start to finish", and my Finish has arrived before yours...that's all!!! As simple as that...and you were gone
But life is not so simple!!!....not now, not here Not...anywhere....