Her eyes were like the color of diamonds, dazzling, more like sapphires, shimmering in the moonlight, Her body was like a majestic mountain, gleaming in the sunset, luxuriantly towering the skyline. Her hips were like a prized jewel of mine, much like a magnificent finished frame, captivating the fire in my existence, an amazing masterpiece drawing me closer to her enchanted world of spontaneous discoveries. Her soft, luscious lips were like a heavenly choir singing to my soul, stinging every part of my skin. She was my love drug, drunk to the rhythm of her beating heart, sprung in her exotic galaxies of burning desire. She was the spinning wheels to my disassembled bike, reassembled, traveling the jazzy landscape of her bedazzled treasures, sinking into the drumming beats of her internal rhymes. She was the key to my unlocked door, opening to uncharted dimensions of spectacular dreams.