some conjectural nonsense on a day where she is working late and I'm listening to her playlist since we are, I mean I'm nearly positive I am, therefore, there can be no zero, I got to looking at mathematical conundrums, why? your guess is good as mine. What is 0 divided by zero, the question pondered. I looked through all the differing opinions and listening to a favorite love song of ours, recalling in all the detail our fantastic times together, the meals together, no one else around a snuggle on the couch watching Netflix, (where every movie has Morgan Freeman in it) the calm contentment of nothing else to prove nothing left to need, I had her here, and some argued 0/0 was one others said it was undefinable a few said it was infinity, and before I knew it, It was seven o'clock and she was going home, texted me that. And I played real quick a song we danced to way back when last year, November it was and I had her in my arms for real.