Just, what. Not what am I doing, For I know very well that I'm Contracting and relaxing my diaphragm And doing what I call Breathing.
Not where am I going, Because I know that I'm trying To get through school to do well In a high paying and enjoyable job, To live happily with a man by my side.
Not how should I live, As I'm not quite sure you can call this living And when people tell me I'm doing it All wrong, I say it right back and just keep on Keeping on.
Not why am I here, Because I've asked a thousand times But nobody seems all that willing to answer. Regardless whether there's someone there or not, There's certainly no answers being spoken so Either I'm doing it right or it Just doesn't matter.
So, what else is there? What else is there to ask, Because I've come and gone, And this is all I've seen. What else isn't there When this is all I've got?